Today, the last day of January, we turn 4. It’s seems so old yet so young. Perfect isn’t it! Being young, and old. Four years ago we pressed ‘go’ and Getthegallop.com went live. And since then it’s been an adventure! From working our asses off to create great products for you, to trying to make your shopping experience first class. There’s been bumps in the road of course, but we laugh out loud everyday (that’s not an exaggeration, it’s actually true). Our team is growing, (say hi to Anna and Caisa), our office is full of samples of exciting things to come, and we’ve got you to thank for it all. ‘Cause non of this would have happened if you hadn’t supported us! You; the customers who keep coming back, who’ve been with us since day 1. The customers who’ve just found us. The customers who weren’t that happy and told us. All of you! You make us make this a better place, and a business we love!

So thank you. And you’re welcome! We love you Gallopers! Stay true.

Caroline, Lisen and Louise